COVID-19 Special Edition #8

Our highlights from the hundreds of excellent pieces our system uncovered during the week.

The future of globalization after the COVID crisis [Video]
Dani Rodrik | Princeton School of Economics

"A retreat from hyper-globalization is not necessarily bad if we are able to construct a more sensible globalization... A lecture placing the problems of globalization in a historic and theoretical context as well as discussing the normative logic of global regimes and what kind of globalization we would want."

COVID19 and the crisis capitalism creates in normal times [Podcast]
Silvia Federici | Latin Waves Media

"An episode about the COVID19 crisis, how capitalism is a system in constant crisis and how the coronavirus will be used to further consolidate wealth in society, how we don’t want to return to what is considered normal, how communities have come together to face this crisis and how we need community to come together after COVID to address the widespread job losses and social despair."

Neoliberalism is over – welcome to the era of neo-illiberalism
Reijer Hendrikse | openDemocracy

"Big tech, nationalist politics, and the billionaire class have propelled a novel political economy. What impact will the virus have on this new status quo?"

The Abolition Geographies of COVID-19
Madeleine Hamlin | Society and Space

"COVID-19 brings to light the many, intertwining failures of our current housing and carceral systems just as it heightens the urgency to find new solutions to justly house our returning residents. The virus forces us to face the reality that — with 2.3 million residents (nearly twice that of public housing)—the carceral system is the ‘other’ public housing in the US today."

How Private Equity Firms Will Profit From COVID-19
Eileen Appelbaum, Andrew Park, Rosemary Batt | The American Prospect

"Unless Congress and regulators act, private equity will shed its nonperforming assets and feast on new ones. J. Crew is the latest example."

Sociología (breve) del estado de alarma [Spanish]
Emmanuel Rodríguez | CTXT

"En la sociedad española hay un grupo especial que impone algo así como un miedo ‘dominante’, un miedo más legítimo que los otros, el miedo de los ‘instalados’, un colectivo que ha disfrutado de una biografía ‘más próspera’."

Rassismus im Gesundheitswesen: Das Virus ist nicht egalitär [German]
Matej Snethlage | Taz

"Ein Virus kann nicht diskriminieren, es kennt weder Hautfarbe noch Kontostand? Corona kann jeden treffen? Je länger die Krise andauert, umso mehr zeigt sich, dass nicht alle Menschen gleichermaßen betroffen sind."

Imaginer la fin du Covid-19 [French]
Lydia Denworth | Pour la Science

"Les pandémies passées laissent entrevoir l’avenir. Bien qu’il n’y ait pas d’exemple historique unique à suivre, l’humanité a connu plusieurs grandes épidémies au cours du siècle dernier, et toutes ont un jour pris fin. Les moyens qui ont été mis en œuvre pour y mettre un terme sont un guide dans le monde actuel où l’on cherche à préserver la santé du plus grand nombre et à retrouver une certaine normalité. "

Abbiate cura - Società della cura e reddito di autodeterminazione [Italian]
Cristina Morini | Effimera

"Che cosa è cura? Nel tempo, molti documenti e libri femministi hanno trattato l’argomento. Il perché non è difficile da comprendere. La cura è al centro di una serie di analisi che osservano da vicino un intricato e contraddittorio groviglio di compiti, ruoli, obblighi ma anche di poteri, desideri e sentimenti, legami incarnati, al centro dei quali ci sono le donne. "

Enigmas das pandemias [Portuguese]
Rafael Cariello | Revista Piauí

"O que sabemos – e o que ainda é mistério – sobre a gripe espanhola, o comportamento social em catástrofes e o papel do acaso na história."

If you'd like more such high-quality materials on the COVID-19 crisis, head over here.

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